
Original Japanese

1月最初の月曜日は、「Thank God It's Monday」。「ありがたい、月曜日だ。さあ、やるぞ!」という意味の日だと思います。 この日から「仕事はじめ」の人も多いでしょう。「さあ、やるぞ!」という気持ちといっしょに。

「VERY MERRY 日めくり雑貨カレンダー」より

English Translation

The first Monday of January should be "Thank God It's Monday." I think it should be a day that means, "I'm grateful that it's Monday. Let's do this!" There are probably a lot of people who consider this day the beginning of their work. Let's have a feeling of "Let's do this!"

--from the "Very Merry Tear-Off Calendar"

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